Hours: Wednesday - Friday : 11 am - 5 pm | Saturday 11 am - 2 pm

This series of work – AMID THE WOODS & WATER – was inspired by the woodlands and waterways surrounding my home in Appling, GA. My aim with this series was quite simple: to reconnect with my immediate surroundings in an intimate and intentional way. A daily walk around our ponds, creeks and woodlands became part of my artistic process. While morning walks are not out of the ordinary for me, I would call these excursions “walking meditations.” There was a deliberate focus on the beauty of my surroundings where I intentionally took note of what I’d seen, felt, and heard. Once in my studio, these perceptions were then synthesized into abstract images, painted from the heart which has a memory of its own.

There’s a depth of beauty in nature that we don’t have a vocabulary for… an ineffable , sacred beauty that goes beyond language and photo realism. I believe that’s where abstract expressionism and poetry come closer (for me anyway) to hitting the mark of what I want to say with my art.